Zoonoses publishes research articles, review articles, commentaries, editorials, short communications, case report articles, letters to the Editor and study protocols.
Research Articles
The text of research articles should be divided into sections with the headings:
Key words
Conflict of interest
The prescribed word count for research articles is no more than 5000 words (excluding Abstracts, Acknowledgements, References, figures, and Tables).
Graphical Abstract
For Research Articles authors must provide an original image that clearly represents the work described in the paper. Graphical abstracts should be submitted as a separate file in the submission system by selecting “graphical abstracts” from the drop-down list when uploading files. Please note that, just as each paper should be unique, so each graphical abstract should also be unique.
To ensure easy navigation, the graphical abstract should have a distinct start and end point, ideally designed to “flow” from top to bottom or left to right. Minimize distractions and avoid including unnecessary elements for a cleaner look.
- Image Dimensions: Provide an image with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and dimensions of at least 1328 x 531 pixels (width x height). Larger images are acceptable, but maintain the same aspect ratio (e.g., 500 pixels wide by 200 pixels high). Keep in mind that the image will be scaled proportionally to fit on the article hosting site.
- Font Guidelines: Use fonts like Times, Arial, Courier, or Symbol, ensuring the text is large enough to remain legible after the image is resized to fit a 200-pixel-high window.
- File Formats: Accepted file formats include TIFF, EPS, PDF, or MS Office files.
- Text and Layout: No supplementary text, outlines, or synopses should be included outside the image itself. Any labels or text should be incorporated directly within the image. Refrain from including extra white space or a “graphical abstract” heading in the file.
Review Articles
It is expected that these articles would be written by individuals who have done substantial work on the subject or are considered experts in the field.
The manuscript should have an unstructured English abstract (250 words) representing an accurate summary of the article. The section titles will depend upon the topic reviewed.
Authors submitting review articles should include a section describing the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and analyzing data. These methods should also be summarized in the abstract.
Post-publication updates on the subject of review covering the advances in the areas should be sent as a letter to the editor, as and when major developments occur in the field.
The prescribed word count is no more than 10,000 words excluding tables, and the Abstract, Acknowledgements, References, figures, and Tables sections.
Short Communications
The text of Short Communications should be divided into sections with the following headings:
Abstract (structured, Objective/Methods/Results/Conclusion, approximately 250 words)
Keywords (3 to 10)
Conflict of interest
The prescribed word count for Short Communications is no more than 2,500 words (excluding Abstracts, Acknowledgements, References, figures and Tables). Approximately 20 references can be included.
Study Protocol
The text of Study Protocols should be divided into sections with the headings:
Abstract (unstructured, Objective/Methods/Results/Conclusion, approximately 300 words)
Keywords (3 to 10)
Conflict of interest
The prescribed word count for Study Protocols is no more than 4,000 words (excluding Abstracts, Acknowledgements, References, figures and Tables). Approximately 30 references can be included.
Commentaries are commissioned by Editors, and free contributions are not accepted. The manuscript should have an unstructured English abstract (200 words) representing an accurate summary of the article. The section titles will depend upon the topic presented.
The prescribed word count for Commentaries is no more than 2,000 words (excluding Abstracts, Acknowledgements, References, figures and Tables). Approximately 20 references can be included.
Editorials are written by editorial board members commissioned by Editors, and free contributions are not accepted. The manuscript should have an unstructured English abstract (200 words) representing an accurate summary of the article. The section titles will depend upon the topic presented.
The prescribed word count for Editorials is no more than 2,500 words (excluding Abstracts, Acknowledgements, References, figures and Tables). Approximately 20 references can be included.
Case report
The text of Case report should be divided into sections with the headings:
Abstract (unstructured, approximately 150 words)
Keywords (3 to 10)
Case presentation
Conflict of interest
The prescribed word count for Case report is no more than 1,200 words (excluding Abstracts, Acknowledgements, References, figures and Tables). Approximately 15 references can be included.
Letter to the Editor
The manuscript should have an unstructured English abstract (150 words) representing an accurate summary of the article. The section titles will depend upon the topic presented.
The prescribed word count for Letter to the Editor is no more than 1,000 words (excluding Abstracts, Acknowledgements, References, figures and Tables). Approximately 15 references can be included.